Saturday, May 23, 2009

Since it is such a dreary day here in Central Florida I thought I'd play with CDW and join her Goofy Gaggle of Geese contest. Check it out at MSFH. Here you can see a Yoke of Yarn that I think is going to strangle me. Especially since it isn't my only one.
And here we see a scramble of scraps. I think I need to make some card candy or work on my scrapbooks for a while.


  1. Looks like you have lots of hobbies to keep you busy in between your bird watching! ;-)

    I'm looking forward to seeing your next yarn and paper project!

  2. Hey Susan, Thanks for all your nice comments on my blog. Had to write you back because I HAVE heard of Hodag -- I think maybe from a discovery channel show or something???? Wow - I wonder how many monsters there are??? Anyway - thanks for the comments - Blessings,Pam
