Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter Blahs

Well fall is really and truely here. We haven't had the A/C on for a full week (ok maybe more), but the gloomy weather is starting to get to me. I miss the sun. We've had rain off and on for about a week. Usually when fall/winter comes it rains one day and gets cold (below 60 at night) the next, maybe the cold will last for a couple days but the sun usually comes back out. Nope not this year. clouds, clouds and more clouds. But every time I feel like this I check out the weather in WI. Guess what, they are in the middle of a blizzard, the temp yesterday was 79 here, so shut up Sue and be happy. You aren't trying to drive in that crap, and you don't have to shovel it, and your heavy winter coat is sitting in the closet just taking up space.

And to those of you up there in it. I'm so sorry for you.

If you want to see what I'm missing click here.


  1. I hate it when Mr. Sun goes away too! And I know I should be happy it doesn't snow here, but rain is yucky.

  2. Did someone mention SNOW ? We got the ground covered over one day last week. It melted away by the next day. And don't mention RAIN, were flooded up here in the Tennessee Valley. I is sick of the rain too. . .

  3. no A/C you say... we have been in the minus temps.. had a low of 18 below last night.. you inquired about the bird on my blog.. that is a western meadowlark.. thanks for stopping by..
